Ever wondered why many celebrities look fashionable even off-camera? It often comes down to their posture! Nicole Kidman and Chris Evans (of Marvel fame) are just a few stars who are known to have the best postures in the showbiz world. Yes it’s true, not all celebrities have great postures - so maybe they should read this too!
But first, let’s define what posture is. It’s the position of the body or the alignment of our body parts. It’s the way we sit, the way we stand, and the way we move – all of which are the physical expressions of who we are. A good posture doesn’t only show that you are confident, but more importantly, it’s also good for your overall health. According to Dr. Paul Drew, the author of the Red Carpet Posture, a good posture means standing tall and not short and slouched. It’s presenting yourself as if you’re walking on a red carpet. So, if you’ve picked up the slouching habit, it’s time to stop! Here are some great tips that will help you improve your posture, so you’ll have that red carpet look all day long.
Stand up straight!
Mum had very good reasons for telling you to stand up straight when you were young, because standing tall improves your posture. Try to elongate your spine in a way that makes you feel tall but not stiff. Press your feet flat on the ground. Relax while you continue to lengthen as much as you can.
Hold your shoulders down and back
Pretend that you have a lemon in between your shoulder blades and you’re trying to squeeze the juice from it. Hold your shoulders and shoulder blades down and back – as if you’re trying to get them to touch each other – and hold for 10 to 20 seconds then repeat the process.
Watch your hunching
Ever caught yourself hunching while watching TV or working on your computer? If so, it’s time to pay attention to your hunching. Whether you’re working or just relaxing, take some time throughout the day to do some back extensions. Lie front-down on the floor with your arms to your side. Lift your torso off the floor, hold it for five seconds then repeat the process five to ten times.
Spread your wings like an angel
This routine is called wall angels, which aims to strengthen the muscles in your shoulder blades. Stand flat against the wall with your feet hip distance apart. Spread both of your arms like an angel spreading her wings. At shoulder height, bend your elbows to right angles while your arms, back, and shoulders still touch the wall. Gradually raise your arms over your head, stretching high in a V position, then bring your arms back down again, finishing with bent elbows at shoulder height. Do 10 to 15 sets at least 3 times throughout the day.
Sit up straight!
And here’s another thing you must have heard from your mum a lot of times in the past (for good reason as slouching while sitting is really bad for your posture). If you work on your computer throughout the day, or if you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, make sure that you sit up straight on a chair that has a back support. There are lots of office chairs that have lumbar support, but high-backed chairs are also great alternatives. Sit up straight and keep your back with your hips as far back as possible. Maintain that position as much as you can until you get used to it.
Shop for 'sensible' shoes!
And when we say shop for shoes, we mean the type that can provide good arch support. Many health experts say that women shouldn’t wear shoes for prolonged periods of time that have a heal height greater than 3 cms - so while those killer heels may look great, they’re probably taking a toll on your posture in the long term.
Start now and be consistent!
Slouching and good posture are both habits – one bad and one good. Start working on your good posture habit now and you’ll start feeling and looking healthier and more confident. You may have to invest in some tools like a lumbar support chair, posture corrector, arch support shoes, or maybe even a membership to a gym, but it will all be worth it once you’ve corrected your posture. Don’t worry if all that stuff doesn’t fit in your budget right now - we’re here to help! Just check out our cash-loans from $1,000 to find out how quick and easy it is to get your hands on some extra funds. Once your loan is approved, we can usually deposit the cash into your bank account within a few hours. Apply now so you can start to develop a posture that even the biggest celebrities would envy!