When you think about your finances, becoming physically fit probably doesn’t cross your mind - but maybe it should! Did you know that according to the Sydney Morning Herald, the cost of obesity in Australia was over $120 billion a year in 2013?
While a lot of that cost is associated with health insurance and government spending, there’s another side to the cost of obesity that you may not think about. For example, being out of shape may cause you to become ill more and miss work.
In addition, if you’re not in good shape, you may feel sluggish and tired all of the time. If you don’t have energy, you may not be earning to your full potential, or you may be spending more on healthcare.
But did you know that you can get back in shape without spending any money at all by simply working out from home? Yes you can – the goal is to live better without having to spend money to do so!
3 easy tips to get started
These are just a handful of ideas to help get you started, but know that you can easily become fit without having to spend money at the gym or for expensive classes!